This page describes how Swerub AB processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In order to handle and offer good service to our customers, Swerub AB maintains a customer register. In our customer register we add the following contact details:
- Company name
- Organization number
- Phone number
- E-mail
- Address
- Name of the company´s contact person and their contact information

Sensitive personal data, such as social security numbers, are only saved when it comes to sole traders. This data is processed internally and is NOT passed on to third parties. The personal data is saved in the customer register until it is no longer needed or until we get a request from the person to delete it. We strive to handle as little personal data as possible.

Contact details and personal data of suppliers are also processed as above.

We use cookies to improve the appearance and function of our website. With the help of Google Analytics, we can collect statistics to better understand how our website is being used and optimize it accordingly. We do not receive any information about your identity and we do not store any information that can be associated with you. 

Responsible in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:
Swerub AB
Hästfallsvägen 18
683 60 Ekshärad
Phone: +46 563-540570